E.J. McGuire’s 5 Tips For Coaches

The always entertaining E.J. McGuire spoke again this year at the Roger Neilson Coaching Clinic. In his presentation, he gave his top 5 tips/observations for coaches based on his 30+ years of coaching and watching coaches. They are:

  1. Humility – Don’t overcoach your players
  2. Read, Read, Read – E.J.’s contention is that you can never read enough. His suggestions include books such as Patriot Reign, Moneyball, and any type of Leadership book.
  3. Observe – Teams, coaches, etc. You can learn alot just by watching others.
  4. Steal, Steal, Steal – If you see something that somebody else is doing, don’t be afraid to use it. This goes on all the time at the NHL level
  5. The players really don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

For point #1, E.J. used as an example a coach pulling his goaltender in the final minute of a game for the extra attacker. Almost always, the goalie is waiting for the coach’s signal to come to the bench. E.J.’s point was that there is no one who has a better view of the play in front of him than the goalie, so why not let him be the one to decide when to come to the bench. I thought it was a very good point.

About seeingtheice

Director of Hockey Operations for Suburban Sports Group
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